Prevent Yourself from Heart Diseases

10 Tips to Prevent Yourself from Heart Diseases
10. sleep
Research shows that appropriate sleep is good for your overall health especially for your heart. A good night sleep will keep you calm,fresh and ready for next day. Getting enough sleep might just save your heart. Optimal sleep duration is six to eight hours and having sleep less than six hours will increase the risk of heart attack. Not sleeping enough will cause the release of hormones,increase your heart rate and blood pressure that might be dangerous for your heart,if happens chronically. So get adequate amount of good sleep and prevent yourself from heart problems.

9. Stress management
Easy going,calm,tension free life style decreases the risk of many heart diseases by preventing excessive stress hormones. Daily scheduled routine and organized way of dealing of professional and non professional attitudes help in a safe cardiac life. So,learn to manage your stress,avoid anger and frustration,communicate your feelings,keep in touch with your family and friends. Anger ,frustration and poor social support may add to heart diseases risk. Practice forgiveness and move forward in life. Life is short ,live it fully , avoid tension and live a healthy life with a healthy heart.

8. Meditation
Prayers,yoga,gymnastic and relaxation techniques are all helpful in preventing heart diseases. Studies prove offering prayers five times a day maintains cardiac rhythm and electric discharges. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises are also very important. These have positive effects on heart and also lowers blood pressure and helps in saving heart.

7. Reduce your blood sugar
High blood sugar level or diabetes is a major risk factor of the heart diseases. So control your sugar level,if you have diabetes the risk of having heart diseases is twice than them who don’t have,it causes heart diseases in people below the age of thirty. High blood glucose level is very dangerous for health it will damage blood vessels and nerves and it will lead to many other complications such as heart disease and stroke. So do your best to maintain your blood sugar level normal,healthy lifestyle and healthy diet play an important role also strictly follow the treatment plan of your doctor if you have diabetes and prevent yourself from major complications of heart diseases.

6. Control your cholesterol
Balance lipid levels like cholesterol by appropriate use of cardioprotective lipids and avoiding cardio lethal lipids. So you should know your cholesterol level in order to prevent yourself from heart diseases. High levels of low density lipid which is known as bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases,high levels of high density lipid which is known as good cholesterol protect against heart diseases and high levels of total cholesterol also increases the risk of your heart diseases. LDL is the main source of artery-clogging plaque. HDL actually works to clear cholesterol from the blood. Cholesterol levels can be improved with exercise, good treatment and a healthy diet low in saturated fats and alcohol. Medication can also work in controlling your cholesterol level.

5. Manage your blood pressure
Lower your blood pressure as high blood pressure which is known as the hypertension is the silent killer and increases the risk of heart attack and many heart diseases. Hypertension doubles the risk of heart diseases. If you are the patient of Hypertension, one thing you should keep in mind that your heart will face problem to pump the blood easily . High blood pressure can damage your heart in a number of ways it may cause the formation of fatty plaque in the arteries and makes your arteries stiffer and less flexible and making blood flow difficult through them. Try to maintain normal blood pressure,to lower blood pressure,try to have heart-healthy diet,avoid extra salt or sodium intake and engage in regular physical activity. Your doctor’s medication may also help for better treatment .

4. Avoid smoking
If you don’t smoke its good but if you smoke quit smoking as soon as possible. Try your best to avoid smoking as smoking is injurious to health,it has many adverse effects on almost every organ of the body especially the heart. Smoking is the major risk factor for many heart diseases. People who smoke have a two to four times higher risk of having heart disease. The nicotine present in cigratte smoke damage the cells lining of the coronary artery as well as of other vessels. You should Consult your doctor,your friends or your family members to develop a plan to quit smoking its very hard but the benefit is yours and a best tip to prevent heart diseases.

3. Obesity
Obesity is very much dangerous for body, it is the cause of many diseases and one of the leading cause of heart diseases. For a healthy heart and a healthy life you should maintain appropriate and ideal body weight. Exercise and healthy diet play an important role in reducing your weight or you may also consult your doctor or dietitian to gain a healthy weight. Being obese or overweight increases the risk of heart diseases but this risk is decreased by reducing weight.The optimal weight for preventing heart diseases. A body mass index of 22.6 for men and 21.1 for women is suitable. A body mass index of less than 25 indicates a healthy weight. A body mass index of less than 18.5 is considered underweight. A body mass index between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight and a body mass index of 30 or higher indicates obesity. So adopt healthy weight for healthy life and save your heart.

2. Exercise
Exercise plays a major role in preventing heart diseases as a sedentary lifestyle is one of the top risk factors for heart disease and this risk factor can be reduced by regular exercise. Brisk walk five times a week for at least twenty minutes in which your heart rate is doubled than your normal heart rate will keep your heart fit and you will feel healthy. Exercise not only strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system but also lowers blood pressure,reduce body weight,increase insulin sensitivity and improves cholesterol levels. Exercise makes your mind active and a healthy and active mind makes your body and heart active and happy.

1. Diet

Diet plays an important role in your health and should be properly maintained to prevent many heart diseases. So you should change your eating habits,it is difficult to some extend but not impossible.You should add adequate amount of water in your diet,eat fiber rich foods,avoid high calorie and low nutrient foods like baked goods,chips,fast food and many more,as these foods lead to obesity a major risk factor for heart diseases. Vegetables,legumes,whole grains and fruits should be included in your diet,this type of diet will help you to live healthy and longer.Fruits and vegetables are rich in many essential nutrients including vitamins C and E and carotenoids . Extra salt intake should also be avoided,stop mixing salt in flour especially if the family history is positive. As we know that ” prevention is better then cure ” so treat yourself for happy and healthy life keep these tips in your mind and work on it.


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